
Costs for Couples Counselling and Programs

Frequently Asked Questions

Any questions? Get in touch or look at the FAQ section.

  • Why do I have to pay VAT for couples counselling?

    Therapiesitzungen sind normalerweise umsatzsteuerfrei, allerdings müssen (Paar-)Beratungen und Coaching Sitzungen zzgl. der gesetzlichen Mehrwehrtssteuer (19%) berechnet werden, da diese in den meisten Fällen nicht auf die Behandlung oder Prävention von psychischen Krankheitsbildern abzielen.

    Ich verstehe, dass die private Finanzierung von (Paar-)Beratungen belastend sein kann, daher biete ich unter gewissen Voraussetzungen ermäßigte Packet-Preise an. Falls dies für Sie von Interesse ist, können wir diese Option gerne während eines Erstgesprächs besprechen.

  • How many sessions will I need?

    The number of sessions is based on your individual needs. We can discuss your situation and your wishes during an initial appointment. Sessions are possible in person and online.

  • Do you accept health insurance?

    Unfortunately, my services can also not be claimed back from German health insurance (Gesetzliche Krankenkasse). Some private insurances cover part of the costs, however, you need to check if they accept invoices from a ``Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie``. Payment can generally be made via bank transfer, PayPal or cash upon receiving my invoice.

  • Why is does one session cost so much?

    The fees include our work during the sessions themselves as well as administrative tasks, preparation and processing (such as confidential documentation, professional supervision, occasional referrals to colleagues, research, continuing professional education). This means that a 60-minutes session often requires a similar amount of time invested in behind the scenes work. Providing high quality work is very important to me. My decision to work with a limited number of clients allows me to spend more time and energy on each individual case.

  • Do you have a cancellation policy for appointments?

    Yes. The scheduling of an appointment involves the reservation of time set aside exclusively for you. This time cannot be re-booked by other clients and is linked to several costs, which I cannot recoup without adequate lead time. You can cancel or change an appointment free of charge up to 24 hours beforehand – beyond this timeframe the session has to be fully charged.

  • Where can find your Terms and Conditions?

    You can find my terms and conditions as well as a data protection declaration under the contact page.

Contact me for an initial appointment

Let’s discuss your situation and wishes during an initial appointment.