Live Seminar for International Couples

International couples can experience both common and very individual issues. This live seminar is designed to provide you with background knowledge regarding intercultural issues as well as conflict and stress. We'll communication skills, self-regulation and awareness through interactive exercises.

Different live experience and cultural upbringing can impact couples in various ways. They may disagree about their living situation, raising children, or about an appropriate work-life-balance. At the same time, our relationship patterns are also connected to our individual situation. When conflict arises, we can feel unable to process difficult emotions and anxieties. Some couples become stuck in vicious cycles and begin to question their relationship and whether they are right for each other.

What you will learn during this seminar

In this 1-day seminar, you will learn about common relationship dynamics in international couples, conflict and coping mechanisms as well as communication skills. Relationships can feel challenging when we're different, but they can also help us to learn and broaden our perspective in positive ways.

  • Understanding and learning from intercultural viewpoints
  • Understanding conflict and stress in relationships
  • Communication skills and coping with emotional triggers
  • Self-awareness, reflection & mindful ways of interacting

How does a live seminar work?

This 1-day seminar usually takes place on Zoom. You'll be provided with learning materials and practice together in interactive exercises. There will be room for questions and sharing experiences with other couples. This is most suited for couples who are comfortable to learn new skills and practice together in a group setting. Please note that individual situations and personal history can be appropriately addressed in private counselling sessions.

– Saturdays 10 am – 5 pm

– Join online from anywhere

– Psychoeducation & learning materials

– Interactive exercises & group discussions

– Max 4-5 participating couples

Contact me to learn more!

This seminar is perfect for you if you’d like to learn more about conflict & international relationship dynamics. Please contact me on in case you have any questions.
